#188 20 January 2024

Good day, gardeners! I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and well. Here's some valuable things I wanted to share with you this week.

  1. I'm making preparations for the coming growing season by tackling tasks that are better done in the winter. I find a notes app handy to capture such thoughts throughout the year.

  2. Adam Woodruff shared his design approach recently on LinkedIn and how he uses Procreate and layers in the process. It was really helpful seeing how he thinks about using this simple program for design.

  3. David Bellangue wrote about pawpaw, spicebush, and persimmon on Center for Urban Habitats. These three are great native hardy plants that have tropical family roots.

  4. For something out of the Twilight Zone, Wageningen University & Research, which is one of the premier horticulture research institutions in the world, has announced that electromagnetic energy has been shown to increase plant growth. The technology increased (Ananas) pineapple biomass by 19% and Anthurium (laceleaf) by 47%. I'm curious to learn what the physiological mechanism is.

  5. I've always been a sucker for beautiful winter bark, and Jess Brey wrote about those trees that enchant us sans leaves. The camouflage pattern of Pinus bungeana (lacebark pine) has long made me weak in the knees.

As always, thanks for welcoming me into your inbox each week to share what I’m learning about plants.

Cheers, and keep growing!

Dr. Jared

P.S. I worked over the holiday getting all my previous newsletter content onto my website Meristem. You can now view previous messages under the NEWSLETTERS tab. If you're looking for a particular item, you can also use the search bar at the bottom of the page to search for topics. What do you think?