#190 10 February 2023

Good day, gardeners! I hope this newsletter finds you healthy and well. I've had a fun time this week in Charlotte, NC speaking to the Charlotte Garden Club, hence the newsletter is a few days late.

Here's some valuable things I wanted to share with you to help you become a better gardener.

  1. I'm so excited to announce the launch of Botanic Bootcamp! I've been working for months developing a system for delivering online education to help gardeners grow, and I'm so proud to say that session #1 Success with Seed Sowing is live.

    If you're wanting to grow more plants from seed, then you'll learn from this engaging two-hour bootcamp. Practical tips will help you reduce the time it takes to germinate seeds from scratch and reduce the effort needed. You will learn seed basics, the science of seed germination, and the practice of starting seed from sourcing seed until it is ready to go in the ground. This session is priced at $49, but through February 20, it's discounted 40%. And, later in mid-March I'll be answering any questions that participants had.

  2. The Juniper Level Botanic Garden and JC Raulston Arboretum have once again offered their Index Seminum for seeds to professional horticulturists. You can choose seeds, and they will send you a packet. But, hurry. The deadline to fill out the form is February 16.

  3. Need inspiration for dry areas? Karen Chapman shared some ideas from the beautiful Beth Chatto gravel garden in a recent post.

  4. Georgia Silvera Seamans wrote about identifying plants in the winter. I never knew there were seven classifications for tree bark. That's a really helpful framework to help parse out trees sans leaves.

  5. Later this week on February 17, I'll be speaking to the Memphis Area Master Gardeners on flora with a southern flair. If you're in the area, feel free to stop by and say hi! And, then on February 21 I'll be speaking to the Ecological Landscape Alliance on strategies to teach horticulture. It's a virtual symposium, and you can use the code Ec0Fr1end20 for a 20% discount! Register here.

As always, thanks for welcoming me into your inbox each week to share what I’m learning about plants.

Cheers, and keep growing!

Dr. Jared

P.S. Could your garden power your electronics one day? Maybe based on this new fuel cell prototype.