
Here are the current projects I'm working on.  This page was inspired by Derek Sivers's nownownow.com project.  

  • I’m always working on my weekly newsletter planted. Feel free to subscribe!

  • I'm prepping for three classes this spring and converting many aspects of the class into a hybrid delivery for the COVID outbreak.

  • My wife and I bought a new house three years ago, and I'm working on designing the gardens for the property. Currently, we have an edible patch, a kitchen garden, and a couple of perennial plantings.

  • My student apprentices and I are continuing to redesign and beautify the Plantery at the agriculture building at SFA.

  • I'm working on getting work from my PhD and postdoc at NC State published as well as research done by two of my graduate students.

  • And, I’m working on something plantastic. More details to come!

Last updated January 2020.