Karen and I did a whirlwind trip through Philadelphia earlier this month to see the Philadelphia Flower Show the first day it opened to the public. I’m going to let the pictures and the captions below do most of the talking about our experience, but suffice it to say the show was an incredible experience. It was the first time I had ever been to the Philly Flower Show, and it was also the first time in the show’s 192 year existence that it was held outdoors. This floral spectacle is typically held in March, and that timing never fit well with my teaching schedule. While I don’t have previous times with which to compare this experience, I was amazed at the creativity and use of plant material in the exhibits. Many also commented on how rich the plants and designs glowed outdoors compared to the typical enclosed environment. Enjoy the photos!
Entering the Flower Show
The theme this year was habitat, not just for plants and nature, but also habitat for humans. At the entrance of the flower show we were greeted by life-size letters spelling out habitat. The fronts were adorned with flowers and the backs were filled with colorful twigs.
My good friend and Vice President of Public Horticulture at PHS Andrew Bunting joined us for a bit near the entrance to share more about the show. He said this Lysimachia atropurpurea 'Beaujolais', which appeared at Chelsea a few years ago, is used throughout this planting with Strobilanthes, Gomphrena, and Scabiosa further tying together the purple theme.
Behind the habitat letters was an incredible floral structure designed by Jeff Leatham, a celebrity florist who has done designs for the Kardashians.
Andrew told us that Jeff Leatham’s installation featured dried fern fronds and baby’s breath spray painted in electric pink and orange.
Here you can see the color echo between the two exhibits.
The entrance of the flower show was rife with colorful banners.
The main sign you saw in the image above welcoming all to the flower shows was supported by these stacked planter boxes filled with colorful plants.
Andrew said that Bloombox was like the Amazon of plants in Philadelphia. They had an exhibit here showing their truck packed with plants for delivery.
Wambui Ippolito, Etherea
Best of show went to Wambui Ippolito for Etherea, a reimagining of the grassland habitat in her native east Africa.
We got the meet Wambui Ippolito, and she was so sweet and kind in talking with us.
Rusted metal, wood, and gravel were dominant hardscape elements among the rich flora.
Another shot of Wambui Ippolito’s Etherea showing a kettle of water and a wavy wooden bench.
Patrick Cullina, The Reinvention of Nature
I was delighted to know that my friend Patrick Cullina would be at the flower show with his The Reinvention of Nature. Pat is a wizard at imbuing ruins like the High Line and Bethlehem Steel with flora, and he did it again with this garden that featured reclaimed windows, rusted panels, and a water feature. The space was planted with towering Magnolia macrophylla and Taxodium ascendens (or the new mouthful name Taxodium distichum var. imbricarium). The floral exhibit in the distance added a nice color contrast.
Pat’s exhibit also featured a short back form of Dan Benarcik’s chairs.
Bees went wild over the magnolia flowers. And, I even loved how in this photo the Salvia flowers echo the magnolia’s color spots.
Donald Pell Gardens, The Wild Garden
I loved this dining area that rested on a stone plinth within a glade of native trees for Donald Pell Garden’s The Wild Garden.
This exhibit also featured cool wood burned signs that described the plants like you see here with this herbaceous matrix.
Arrange, Floral, & Event Design, Habitats of the North American Cryptids
Some of the exhibits we would learn were more floral themed. I thought this installation that focused on the imagined habitats of the North America cryptids like chupacabra, the Jersey Devil, Sasquatch, and moth man was really clever.
Moth man’s cocoon was made out of various knick-knacks and planted with the color echoing Ricinus and Coleus.
American Institute of Floral Designers, Habitat Reclaimed
Habitat Reclaimed by the American Institute of Floral Designers featured a house frame taken over by various floral accoutrements.
Karen loved these foliage pillows sitting on a bench.
Another side of the house shows more of the floral arrangements that have reclaimed this space.
And, inside the house was a floral take on van Gogh’s Starry Night.
Treeline Designz, Dancing with Nature
Treeline Designz Dancing with Nature featured the use of bamboo, not only in the structure but also as a featured plant material.
Andrew commented that it was fun watching them assemble this exhibit with trying to get these ball and burlap bamboos through the grid above.
The inside of a few of the cut bamboo were painted to help draw you into the display.
Nomad Studio, Kokedama Forest
One of my favorite installations was Kokedama Forest by Nomad Studio that was designed to highlight soil microflora and how this habitat is a network that supports plants and animals. Standing outside you can easily see the frame…
…but inside, it is harder to see this underground habitat with all the plants. I also loved how they created this amphitheater effect where walking through we see and enjoy the plants because of this underlying soil network. This photo was a bit of a challenge to take because there was a line of about 20 people to see the exhibit.
Another shot of the native trees growing as kokedama, moss-covered balls of soil that support a plant.
Here is a close up of the kokedama so you can better see the supporting balls.
Jennifer Designs, Nature’s Resilience
This exhibit by Jennifer Designs showcased the resilence of nature, and the plight of the Australian outback with the wildfires they recently faced.
Petit Jardin en Ville, Beauté et Générosité
I loved the quaintness of these European-themed courtyards for Petit Jardin en Ville’s Beauté et Générosité. The first featured shrubs and trees in a formal planting.
The second courtyard had a water feature and more herbaceous plants.
And, the third was an edible garden complete with dining area, planter boxes, and cold frame wires.
WRT, Painted Threats
WRT did this cool exhibit where they painted invasive species like non-native phragmites a bright pink to show them entering native habitats. I also loved how educational their install was with the signage.
Don’t you just love this modern take on a bird house?
Native habitat prior to invasive species entering features a rich wetland flora. It is amazing to me that people can build a wetland in two-weeks!
WISH Unlimited, Faraway, So Close
WISH Unlimited showed how we have been living in the pandemic. A giant terrarium features Araucaria, succulents and tropicals, and of course a microphone to illustrate how technology kept us connected in our isolation.
PHS Gardeners Green
The Gardeners Green was a place that attendees could come learn more about horticultural practices and the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. It was based on public commons that once dotted the city. Aren’t those espaliered fruit trees awesome?
At the Gardeners Green, they did a demo of willow weaving, a natural approach to building garden edging and fencing.
They even had beehives in the Gardeners Green!
I was delighted to see some student entries. In one section were several designs that offered a new way of thinking about hell strips by calling them heaven strips. The Evergreens of New Jersey planted this minute paradise.
And, here was Covid Confinements, an installation by the Horticulture Academy of Abraham Lincoln High School that showed how teenagers lived during the pandemic.
Hudson Valley Seed Company
I have to give a shoutout to Hudson Valley Seed Company and their brilliant seed packets. Many packets feature an artist’s handiwork.
Hudson Valley Seed Company also had some educational displays in their tent showing more about the artist and the plant.
I wish we had more time at the show, but an afternoon flight beckoned us home. But, from this morning visit, I know I can’t wait to get back to Philadelphia again, hopefully at yet another time the flower show is being held!