27. Jazmin Albarran on Seed Your Future

Jazmin Albarran Bio

Jazmin Albarran, MBA, is the Seed Your Future Executive Director with over a decade of change and systems management experience. With a solid knowledge of associations and philanthropy, she will bring her skills and expertise in planning, leading, and managing development projects and programs to the movement. She has experience in a broad range of nonprofit organizations, including those focused on crisis support, youth development, and workforce development. Jazmin will lead Seed Your Future’s next phase of growth, promoting horticulture sectors and the nationwide expansion of career development opportunities with plants.

You can learn more about Jazmin and Seed Your Future by visiting the website, emailing Jazmin at jalbarran@seedyourfuture.org, and finding her on LinkedIn.

Show Notes

  • Jazmin’s background in mental health and youth development

  • Introduction to Seed Your Future through and meeting previous director Susan Yoder

  • Her experience of attending Cultivate and discovering the diverse careers in horticulture

  • Jazmin emphasizes how loving what you do impacts mental health and how Seed Your Future aligns with her values

  • Connecting plants with kids through mentors that foster that passion and making it fun

  • Exposure to plants and horticulture drops off for kids after 3rd grade and misunderstandings about horticulture

  • Addressing parental concerns and advising parents to explore the diverse career opportunities in horticulture and shares resources from Seed Your Future

  • The excitement among students for careers in automation, technology, and robotics within the horticulture industry

  • Jazmin talks about the misconception of horticulture careers and the importance of showcasing the diverse opportunities available

  • Jazmin mentions strategies such as engaging with social media influencers and creating educational content to combat plant blindness

  • How to keep people gardening after economic downturns by promoting gardening as a communal activity and emphasizing the mental, emotional, and physical benefits

  • How Seed Your Future connects career changers with opportunities in the horticulture industry through local partnerships and training programs

  • People considering non-traditional career paths like horticulture due to passion and dissatisfaction with previous jobs

  • Career changers often faced discouragement from parents, school counselors, or advisors due to misconceptions about the industry, leading to pursuing unsatisfying careers before finding their way to horticulture

  • Resources on Seed Your Future like career profiles, quizzes, scholarships, internships, and educational videos to help students explore plant-related careers based on their passions and interests

  • Success stories include testimonials from scholarship recipients and individuals who transitioned to horticulture careers thanks to Seed Your Future's resources

  • Green Career Week aims to connect industry professionals with students through field trips, classroom presentations, and social media engagement to raise awareness about horticulture careers

  • Encouraging industry participation in initiatives like Green Career Week to showcase career pathways to students

  • Emphasizing the importance of industry involvement in nurturing the next generation of horticulturists and gardeners

  • Partnerships with Scholastic and the Seed to STEM program provide educational materials and professional development opportunities for teachers to integrate plant science and horticulture into their curriculum

  • Challenges include college students graduating without clear career paths and limited outreach to schools and students to raise awareness about horticulture careers

  • Home gardeners play a crucial role in promoting horticulture by sharing their passion, knowledge, and resources with others, potentially inspiring interest in plant-related careers

  • Suggestions for increasing awareness include using inclusive language, leveraging social media to share stories and showcase the impact of horticulture, and incorporating career information at garden centers through signage and QR codes

  • Emphasizing the passion and purpose behind horticulture work can attract more individuals to the industry and foster a greater appreciation for the value of plants in improving mental, physical, and emotional well-being

  • Addressing cultural barriers in gardening by fostering open conversations about emotions and backgrounds

  • Importance of representation in gardening spaces to promote diversity and inclusivity

  • Jazmin’s use of lists and prioritization for organization and efficiency in daily tasks

  • Incorporating technology, like AI note-taking app Fireflies, to enhance productivity

  • Strategic planning for weekly tasks and time blocking to manage schedules effectively

  • Overcoming the fear of failure in gardening and viewing mistakes as learning opportunities

  • Empowering individuals to propagate horticulturists by promoting awareness of career opportunities in the field

  • Learn more about Jazmin and Seed Your Future by visiting the website, emailing Jazmin at jalbarran@seedyourfuture.org, and finding her on LinkedIn