22. Susan Poizner on Growing Fruit Trees


Susan Poizner is an urban orchardist in Toronto, Canada and the author of Grow Fruit Trees Fast and Growing Urban Orchards. Susan trains new growers worldwide through her award-winning fruit tree care training program at Orchardpeople.com. Susan is also the host of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast and an ISA Certified Arborist.


  • Susan shares her journey into the world of plants and how her passion developed

  • The pursuit of a certificate in horticulture

  • Her interest evolved into a focus on fruit trees and how planting fruit trees in a public park helped fuel her interest

  • The practice of mulching fruit trees with compost or manure in the early spring

  • The cylces in fruit tree growth

  • The importance of proper pruning for fruit trees.

  • How pruning helps create a strong tree structure and improves fruit production and the timing to encourage growth or slow it down.

  • Getting over the fear of pruning

  • Seeing that fruit trees require an ongoing partnership and how fruit trees need humans to thrive

  • Maintaining nutrition in urban soils is essential for fruit tree health

  • The need to protect fruit trees from pests and diseases and researching and choosing the right fruit tree varieties

  • Holistic sprays as alternatives to chemical pesticides made using simple household items

  • Using holistic sprays for fruit trees

  • Fruit trees sharing resources with soil organisms, creating a mutually beneficial cycle

  • Who is researching holistic sprays like The North American Fruit Explorers and her podcast guests

  • Lessons learned writing her two books Grow Fruit Trees Fast and Growing Urban Orchards

  • Intercropping in orchards and the importance of creating biodiverse environments around fruit trees

  • Pollinator gardens and insectary gardens to support beneficial insects

  • How cover crops can enhance soil health and provide long-term benefits

  • Remedial wood chips, or fungal-oriented mulch, mimic natural processes in forest ecosystems

  • Experimentation and further research are encouraged to optimize orchard management practices

  • Susan hosting The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast discusses various topics related to fruit trees

  • Some favorite episodes featuring holistic sprays with Nigel Palmer and John Kempf.

  • The importance of storytelling in education

  • Susan believes in the power of community, accountability, and planning with orchard management

  • Nigel Palmer’s book The Regenerative Grower’s Guide to Garden Amendments

  • Cultivating more gardeners through community involvement

  • Susan's website, orchardpeople.com, offers access to her podcast, articles, and courses and she has a YouTube channel, too